ConocoPhillips Australia will shortly commence exploration activities for natural gas in the Otway Basin (offshore Victoria) near existing natural gas wells. The drilling program aims to identify viable natural gas reserves to supply the East Coast market and support Australia’s current and future energy needs, ensuring reliable power generation, industrial processes, and residential heating.

ConocoPhillips Australia’s Environment Plan for the Otway Exploration Drilling Program was accepted by Australia’s independent regulator — National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) in February 2025.

The activities described in the Environment Plan will be completed no later than 31 December 2028.

Exploration Drilling

A maximum of six exploration wells will be drilled in Commonwealth waters within two offshore petroleum title permit areas, VIC/P79 and T/49P, which are adjacent to existing natural gas developments in the Otway Basin.

Drilling will take typically 30-40 days, but no more than 90 days at each location. The drilling rig will be supported by up to three vessels that will travel between the rig and the Port as required. Helicopters will support crew changes several times per week.

About the permit areas

  • Exploration Permit VIC/P79—Granted in 2022 by the National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator (NOPTA), on behalf of the Commonwealth-Victoria Offshore Petroleum Joint Authority. ConocoPhillips Australia SH2 Pty Ltd became joint Titleholder and Title Operator later that year.
  • Exploration Permit T/49P—Granted in 2013 by NOPTA, on behalf of the Commonwealth-Tasmania Offshore Petroleum Joint Authority. ConocoPhillips Australia SH1 Pty Ltd became joint Titleholder and Title Operator in 2020.

Seabed Surveys

Seabed surveys will be conducted prior to drilling exploration wells. These surveys inform the final selection of well locations and drill rig position.

ConocoPhillips Australia Drilling Overview

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