Emergency Planning

When conducting any offshore activity, there is an extremely unlikely risk of a hydrocarbon release (primarily gas) from a well during activities or from marine vessel fuel in the event of an accident.

ConocoPhillips Australia has developed emergency plans within the Environment Plan. Preparing these plans involves modelling all possible hydrocarbon releases in the local area using a worst-case scenario, assuming no control measures are in place.

The modelling calculates the transport, spreading, entrainment, and evaporation over time, using data on prevailing metocean conditions (wind, wave, and climate), the volume released, and the physical and chemical properties of the hydrocarbons.

The modelling determines the full extent of the ‘Environment that may be affected’ (EMBA). The Environment Plan describes the EMBA and includes an assessment of the likelihood and consequences of any hydrocarbon release, which must be reduced to As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) through a range of control measures and detailed response plans.

Emergency response plans describe the arrangements that must be in place for responding to and monitoring any release of hydrocarbon. These plans include:

Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (OPEP)

Our Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (OPEP) explains how we are ready to handle an accidental release of hydrocarbons. It covers:

  • Steps we will take to quickly and effectively respond.
  • Plans and resources we have available during our activities to ensure we can act fast and maintain our response readiness.
  • Methods we use to check if our response measures are working and meeting environmental standards.
  • Ways we monitor the environment to guide our response actions.

We will work with industry and government resources to respond to an emergency.

Operational and Scientific Monitoring Program (OSMP)

The Operational and Scientific Monitoring Program (OSMP) provides critical information for decision-making, identifies impacts from spills, offers quantitative data on sensitive receptors, ensures a rapid and appropriate response to hydrocarbon releases, and ensures compliance with environmental commitments.

Source Control Emergency Response Plan (SCERP)

The Source Control Emergency Response Plan (SCERP) is a comprehensive strategy designed to manage and mitigate the risks of an accidental release of hydrocarbons during drilling activities, ensuring the safety of personnel, the protection of the environment, and the integrity of the well.